My Family History

Information about the family histories of Colleen (Robledo) Greene and Jeff Greene.

Maria Aurelia Compean - Border Crossing 1919

With Whom Did 2nd Great Grandmother Maria Aurelia Compean Immigrate from Mexico in 1919?

The recent discovery of the last of the border crossing records for my paternal grandfather’s immediate family has prompted me to try to solve a similar mystery about his grandmother Aurelia, whose border record indicates she immigrated alone in 1919. There is just no way my 55 year old non-English-speaking 2nd great grandmother crossed into a new country and traveled from Texas to California by herself.

With Whom Did 2nd Great Grandmother Maria Aurelia Compean Immigrate from Mexico in 1919? Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History Repositories & Sources Research Methods, , , , ,
Laredo Foot Bridge

The Way My Robledo and Nieto Family Immigrated to the U.S.

I busted down yet another 15+ year brick wall two days ago, finding the last two border crossing records for the Mexico-born members of my paternal grandfather’s family, who immigrated here in 1915. Reviewing border records for this family of four led me to a new discovery, which involves another family history road trip this fall!

The Way My Robledo and Nieto Family Immigrated to the U.S. Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History Repositories & Sources Research Methods, , , ,
William Alexander McNamara

2nd Great-Grandfather William Alexander McNamara, First DNA-Identified McNamara Ancestor

A cousin of my husband’s, who reached out to me last month from Family Tree DNA, helps me genetically identify our first and most recent common McNamara ancestor. Now the work begins to more fine-tune that discovery by isolating the maternal and paternal sides of that inherited shared DNA.

2nd Great-Grandfather William Alexander McNamara, First DNA-Identified McNamara Ancestor Read More »

My Family History Research Methods, ,
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