My Family History

Information about the family histories of Colleen (Robledo) Greene and Jeff Greene.

1900 US Census Kennedy Joseph and Sarah

Discovering The Name Of My 2nd Great Grandfather, Joseph Kennedy!

My Joseph Kennedy is the father of Sarah Kennedy (?-1930), of whom I know very little because she (and her husband) died and orphaned my grandfather Michael John Flanagan (1927-1997) when a toddler. Grandpa knew nothing about his grandfather, other than that he thought his last name was Kennedy.

Discovering The Name Of My 2nd Great Grandfather, Joseph Kennedy! Read More »

My Family History Repositories & Sources, ,
1910 US Census Jimenez Coleman

Found My Great-Grandmother Victoria Jimenez (b. ca. 1892) on the 1910 Census in Historic Mogollon, New Mexico

1910 U.S. Census record for Victoria Jimenez and her husband David Coleman. I am still organizing and analyzing records I have found the last couple years for my great grandmother Victoria Jimenez (b. ca. 1891). In May 2013 I found this 1910 U.S. Census record, during which time she was married to David Coleman, the

Found My Great-Grandmother Victoria Jimenez (b. ca. 1892) on the 1910 Census in Historic Mogollon, New Mexico Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History, ,
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