My Family History

Information about the family histories of Colleen (Robledo) Greene and Jeff Greene.

Michael Flanagan Patrick Flanagan Harry Flanagan

Who are the Parents of Grand Uncle Harry Flanagan?

My grand uncle Harry. J. Flanagan is the only sibling of my grandfather’s for whom I cannot confirm parentage. Both of the parents he claims were married to their first spouses at the time of his birth. And he is the only sibling for whom I cannot locate a birth or baptism record.

Who are the Parents of Grand Uncle Harry Flanagan? Read More »

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Headstone Walter S. Gann

Headstone for Walter Scott Gann (1875-1947) Prompts Me to Learn More

When visiting the gravesite of my husband’s 2nd great grandparents this July in Maricopa, California, we came across some nearby headstones that we thought might be for people related to us. One of those was for Walter S. Gann, brother of my husband’s 2nd great grandmother Pauline Adeline Gann.

Headstone for Walter Scott Gann (1875-1947) Prompts Me to Learn More Read More »

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