search strategies

FamilySearch Digitized Mexico Records

Locating Those Non-Searchable Browsable-Only Digitized Mexico Records on FamilySearch

Last week I explained why you shouldn’t give up if you don’t find records pertaining to your Mexican ancestors when using the Search feature on FamilySearch. This post demonstrates how to quickly and directly find the digitized collections available online for your Mexican ancestors’ home state(s).

Locating Those Non-Searchable Browsable-Only Digitized Mexico Records on FamilySearch Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy Repositories & Sources Research Methods, ,
Researching Mexican Ancestry

Don’t Give Up If You Can’t Find Your Ancestor When Searching for Mexico Records on FamilySearch

If you only use the Search feature to look for records on FamilySearch pertaining to your Mexican ancestors, you may be missing out on these very records. Examples from my own research show that the records are there, but just are not yet searchable.

Don’t Give Up If You Can’t Find Your Ancestor When Searching for Mexico Records on FamilySearch Read More »

Repositories & Sources Research Methods,
Laredo Foot Bridge

The Way My Robledo and Nieto Family Immigrated to the U.S.

I busted down yet another 15+ year brick wall two days ago, finding the last two border crossing records for the Mexico-born members of my paternal grandfather’s family, who immigrated here in 1915. Reviewing border records for this family of four led me to a new discovery, which involves another family history road trip this fall!

The Way My Robledo and Nieto Family Immigrated to the U.S. Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History Repositories & Sources Research Methods, , , ,
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