cloud computing

Visualization of how cloud computing works

I am Giving Two Talks about Cloud Computing for Genealogy in San Diego on October 14th

Are you a bit unsure what people mean when they talk about cloud computing? Does the thought of trusting the cloud make you nervous? Wondering how you can use it (or use it better) for your own genealogy work or for your society operations? Are you a cloud fan who is hoping to learn about the latest developments and trends?

I am Giving Two Talks about Cloud Computing for Genealogy in San Diego on October 14th Read More »

My Work Technology, ,
RootsTech 2015

I Am Presenting at RootsTech 2015!

I was notified this week that my proposal to present at the 2015 RootsTech genealogy technology conference was accepted, and I am quite excited about this opportunity! RootsTech is one of the funnest, biggest, most educational conferences I have attended. The 2014 conference earlier this year marked my first time attending, but I have wanted to

I Am Presenting at RootsTech 2015! Read More »

My Work Technology, ,