census records

Roy Pace and Siblings

Tracking the Andrew Jackson Pace Family in Rural Depression Era Texas, 1930 and 1940 US Censuses

Trying to identify where in Texas my husband’s grandfather was born requires tracking the movements of his parents and siblings, with an initial look at two census records.

Tracking the Andrew Jackson Pace Family in Rural Depression Era Texas, 1930 and 1940 US Censuses Read More »

My Family History, , , , , ,
Roy Delmar Pace, 1930s

Hoping to Find the Birth Record for Grandfather Roy Delmar Pace on My Upcoming Texas Road Trip

Grandfather Roy D. Pace is allegedly the 3rd great-grandson of William Henry Pace (1745-1815), the Pace who served in General George Washington’s elite bodyguard unit–the Commander in Chief’s Guard–during the Revolutionary War. To prove or disprove that claim, I have to first prove the identity or Roy’s parents.

Hoping to Find the Birth Record for Grandfather Roy Delmar Pace on My Upcoming Texas Road Trip Read More »

My Family History Repositories & Sources Research Methods, , ,
Maria Aurelia Compean - Border Crossing 1919

With Whom Did 2nd Great Grandmother Maria Aurelia Compean Immigrate from Mexico in 1919?

The recent discovery of the last of the border crossing records for my paternal grandfather’s immediate family has prompted me to try to solve a similar mystery about his grandmother Aurelia, whose border record indicates she immigrated alone in 1919. There is just no way my 55 year old non-English-speaking 2nd great grandmother crossed into a new country and traveled from Texas to California by herself.

With Whom Did 2nd Great Grandmother Maria Aurelia Compean Immigrate from Mexico in 1919? Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History Repositories & Sources Research Methods, , , , ,
Robledo One-Name Study, 1850 US Census Analysis, Ancestry.com

Robledo One-Name Study: Early United States Census Analysis, 1790 to 1850

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was toying with starting a one-name study for my Robledo surname. This is the second post in that series, focusing on an analysis of the 1790 to 1850 U.S. Census to identify the first appearance of the Robledo surname in the United States.

Robledo One-Name Study: Early United States Census Analysis, 1790 to 1850 Read More »

My Family History Repositories & Sources Research Methods,
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