
Rosie Salas, Newly Married, Early 1940s

Grandmother Rosie Salas Married Benjamin Robledo Surprisingly Close to My Home

Despite them both living in Los Angeles County, California, and Benjamin having a very large family in Los Angeles County, my grandparents Rosie Salas and Benjamin Robledo chose to marry in nearby Orange County. I found this out when I discovered their marriage record, which came as a big surprise to both me and my dad….because his parents married one city away from where I spent my entire childhood.

Grandmother Rosie Salas Married Benjamin Robledo Surprisingly Close to My Home Read More »

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Rancho Los Nietos Map, National Park Service

Manuel Nieto Project: The 1834 Breakup of Rancho Los Nietos in Alta California

The third part in my ongoing Manuel Nieto Project — trying to prove or disprove my family relationship to this famous early Californian. A look at the initial 1784 Rancho Los Nietos land grant, and its subsequent 1834 breakup into multiple smaller ranchos throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

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Snow Plow, Yosemite, 1930s or 1940s

George Walter Harless Plowing Through 1940s Yosemite

All my husband knew about his 1st great grand uncle is that he drove a snow plow in Yosemite. My father-in-law confirmed this, and told me that he thought his grandfather’s brother George had also been a miner in Madera. So when I saw the “plowing through” theme for this year’s 52 Ancestors project, I decided to try to find out a bit more about 1st great rand uncle George.

George Walter Harless Plowing Through 1940s Yosemite Read More »

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Nieto Family Crest

Manuel Nieto Project: His Birthplace Does Not Jive with My Nieto Ancestry

My first discovery for the Manuel Nieto Project. Identifying Don Manuel Nieto’s birthplace in Spanish-ruled Mexico makes it very highly unlikely that my family is descended from him. It is more likely we may be related to him, sharing a common ancestor.

Manuel Nieto Project: His Birthplace Does Not Jive with My Nieto Ancestry Read More »

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