
Dad Family Tree DNA Ethnic Makeup Overview

Dad’s Ethnicity Estimates on AncestryDNA vs Family Tree DNA: Robledo, Nieto, Salas, Jimenez

Despite having Dad test with AncestryDNA over a year ago, I never really did anything productive with his autosomal DNA results until now, after learning about transferring the raw data to Family Tree DNA. My FTDNA results and matches got unlocked and processed last week. Comparing Dad’s ethnicity estimates from both sites is my first step into analyzing his DNA.

Dad’s Ethnicity Estimates on AncestryDNA vs Family Tree DNA: Robledo, Nieto, Salas, Jimenez Read More »

My Family History, , ,
Benjamin Robledo, US Navy

Grandfather Benjamin Robledo, So Far Away in WWII New Caledonia

New Caledonia, in particular its port of Nouméa, became a strategic base for the Allies during World War II, serving as the base of operations for the Battle of Guadalcanal in 1942-43 and the Battle of Okinawa in 1945. Navy Station Nouméa is where I first find my grandfather serving in the war. My grandfather served here in 1944.

Grandfather Benjamin Robledo, So Far Away in WWII New Caledonia Read More »

My Family History Repositories & Sources, ,

King’s Soldier and Alta California Ranchero Manuel Nieto

My entire life, I have heard my father’s family claim that we are descended from THE Manuel Nieto, the Spanish Army soldier who was part of the Gaspar de Portolà expedition of 1769 into Alta California, and who was awarded one of the largest Spanish land grants in Alta California. Every year I have to explain that as a historian and librarian, I cannot accept things as historical facts until I can verify through actual documented evidence. So I have decided that I am going to try to prove or disprove our connection to the famous Manuel Nieto. Join me on the Manuel Nieto Project!

King’s Soldier and Alta California Ranchero Manuel Nieto Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History, ,
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