Colleen's Surnames

Colleen’s family surnames.

Michael Flanagan Patrick Flanagan Harry Flanagan

Who are the Parents of Grand Uncle Harry Flanagan?

My grand uncle Harry. J. Flanagan is the only sibling of my grandfather’s for whom I cannot confirm parentage. Both of the parents he claims were married to their first spouses at the time of his birth. And he is the only sibling for whom I cannot locate a birth or baptism record.

Who are the Parents of Grand Uncle Harry Flanagan? Read More »

My Family History Repositories & Sources, ,
Darnley James and Darnley Patterson Ship's List

My 4th Great Grandpa James Darnley Immigrates from Scotland 1865

James Darnley, Sr., a miner, immigrated to the United States in 1865, along with his 7 year old son James Jr. and his 9 year old daughter Jeanette [Janet]. The family arrived at the Port of New York on 16 October 1865, on board the Caledonia (part of the Anchor shipping line), which embarked from Glasgow, Scotland.

My 4th Great Grandpa James Darnley Immigrates from Scotland 1865 Read More »

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