My speaking and teaching engagements for the current and next year.
Want to book me for your event? Please take a look at my speaking and teaching topics.
Current Speaking Calendar
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
November 1 – 2, 2024: Texas State Genealogical Society (TxSGS) Family History Conference
- Lesser-Known U.S. Immigration Records for Researching 20th Century Immigrant Ancestors
- Friday, November 1 (12:15 p.m. Pacific Time) – Live with Q&A
- Tio Juvenal: Sources & Strategies for Researching Families on Both Sides of the Border
- On-Demand presentation
- Using StoryMaps to Create Interactive Digital Family History Stories
- On-Demand presentation
- Virtual presentations require conference registration
October 5, 2024: Cleveland Public Library Family History Day
- Lesser-Known U.S. Records for Researching 20th Century Immigrant Ancestors
- Tio Juvenal: Sources & Strategies for Researching Families on Both Sides of the Border
- FREE in-person presentations (pre-registration required)
11 February – 22 April 2025: Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) Spring Virtual
- Instruction Team: Course 1 – Reconstructing Ancestral Neighborhoods & Networks
- Virtual multi-week course
26 July 2025: TBA
- Virtual seminar