If you didn’t get to attend the live versions of the 2-part online Hispanic Genealogy Research study group that I did with DearMYRTLE this month, or you did join us live, but want to watch again, you can now watch both parts online for free via DearMYRTLE’s YouTube channel.
These study group is not a series of formal traditional webinar lectures. Instead it provides a more casual guided active learning activity, where I explain and Myrt demonstrates different concepts, record collections, search strategies, and methodology tips.
You can access and download a copy of the class spreadsheet from Google Drive. That spreadsheet includes links to all of the resources and examples covered in this series (look for the different tabs for Week 1 and Week 2).
Part 1 (Aired 14 March 2018)
Topics covered:
- Context and concepts
- Hispanic DNA clues
- Hispanic-American family history records
- Arriving in the new country
Part 2 (Aired 21 March 2018)
Topics covered:
- Identifying and locating your ancestral hometown in the old country.
- Translation and reference tools
- Civil registration records
- Catholic parish records
- Diocese records
- Latin American censuses
I want to thank DearMYTLE and Cousin Russ for their commitment to supporting and promoting diversity and inclusion among the genealogy community, and for making this event such a pleasant and enjoyable one for me!
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