I recently disconnected my RSS feed from Google FeedBurner as part of some much overdue website housecleaning tasks that I tackled over winter break from my day job, resetting this blog’s RSS feed to the native WordPress feed. All part of an attempt to get back to regular writing again (fingers crossed on the “regular” part).
As such, I plan to delete the FeedBurner feed in a couple of months. Those who follow this blog via RSS subscription will need to please update the subscription address in your feed reader client if you want to continue receiving my updated blog posts (of course you want to continue!).
Does This Affect You?
This change only impacts those of you who subscribe to this blog through an RSS/feed reader client, such as Feedly or Flipboard.
To update your feed reader, click on the RSS icon located in the top right section of my blog header. You can also grab that feed here: https://www.colleengreene.com/feed/. Add that new feed URL to your favorite feed reader.

What About Email Subscribers?
Those who subscribe via email do not need to do anything. I migrated the FeedBurner email subscribers over to MailChimp. Did this post show up in your email inbox?…then you are all set.
Want to start receiving new blog articles in your email inbox? Look for this email sign up box at the top of my righthand sidebar.
Why the Switch?
I have used FeedBurner since launching this blog in 2007, to publish its RSS feed and provide an email subscription service. But Google quit doing any further development work on FeedBurner in way back in 2012, and since that time, regular rumors make the rounds across the blogosphere expressing concern that Google is planning to do away with FeedBurner, much like it did with GoogleReader (its old free feed reader app). And I have just been too lazy to make the switch until now.
I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
What are RSS and Feeds?
Does this all sound like Greek to you?
RSS stands for “really simple syndication”. It is a type of web feed, which is a method for web publishing platforms (like WordPress) to automatically distribute new content to people who follow that website via an RSS feed reader client or email subscription service. The following video by Common Craft from 2007 still provides a good overview (just ignore its references to GoogleReader, that old feed reader app that Google shut down).
Thank you for reading and subscribing to this blog!
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