Genealogical Inspirations: The Professor Who Taught Me That Family History IS Real History
Dr. Wendy Elliott-Scheinberg, PhD, a history professor at Cal State Fullerton, taught me that family history is real history.
Dr. Wendy Elliott-Scheinberg, PhD, a history professor at Cal State Fullerton, taught me that family history is real history.
My initial observations of the new Facebook Pages design that became available to all Pages this morning.
(UPDATED) My First Look At The New Facebook Pages Design And Timeline Read More »
TechnologyMy husband’s family has a very real, and very touching connection to that tragic event. His grandfather, Lt. Col. William Wallace “Wally” Greene, MD (1908-2003 ), was an Army surgeon during World War II, and he was part of the medical corps left behind at the camps, after they were liberated, to treat the camp victims. Lt. Col. William Wallace Greene treated surviving prisoners at the Dachau concentration camp, in German, in 1945.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Lt. Col. William Wallace Greene, MD Read More »
My Family HistoryHave you attended one or more THATCamps? If so, please help me share your feedback and (hopefully) enthusiasm for THATCamp with my campus and community colleagues, and with our students.