Do you research Mexican and/or Mexican-American genealogy? Are you an academic who teaches and researches Mexican and Chicano communities? Join me on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Central Time for a jam-packed virtual seminar hosted by the Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS).
I am thrilled to present for WHS on these topics that are still not heavily taught in the genealogy education community outside of the regions that have a long history of large U.S. populations of Mexican descent. I applaud WHS for dedicating an entire day to this topic.
About the Program
- Date: Saturday, February 10th
- Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Central Time
- Who: Hosted by the Wisconsin Historical Society
- How: Virtual event via Zoom (Registration required: $40)
The seminar includes four presentations that build off each other to provide a robust education in key sources and methods for doing this type of research. There will be plenty of time for live Q&A too.
- Foundational Concepts & Reference Tools for Mexican Genealogy
- Working with Mexican Catholic Parish Registers
- Working with Mexican Civil Registrations
- Essential Immigration Records for Researching Your Mexican Ancestors
I hope to see you online on February 10th!
Follow my professional Facebook Page , which is packed with tips, collections, events, and news personally recommended by me. I scour the web for great information for you. See you on Facebook today!
My name is Rene Pardo i recently found a hacienda in SLP SLP Mexico. i believe this hacienda is my family historic home in Mexico. Hacienda is called the Ex Hacienda de Pardo in slp slp Mexico via de Reyes. Im hoping you can verify that it is my family. Feel free to call. I hope you can help. Main question Is who was Matias Pardo. I believe he was my GGGGGGGG? Grand parent.1 419 6187114 my Email is mlagro1951@gmail.com Please respond i really need help.TXS